A journey of three routes through the urban space of Viana do Castelo, in search of tiles, over a period of half a millennium.
Ornamental-allegorical, utilitarian and educational tiles, covering façades and forming ashlars or “carpets” in interior spaces.
These are: tiles from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, with patterns, “single figures” and historiated compositions from Mannerism and the “Masters’ Cycle” (First Baroque), “Great Joanine Production” and Rococo; “high and half-relief” patterns, “stencilled” with hand painting and mechanical stamping.
Rectangular “bevelled” tiles; revivalist and modernist friezes and panels; compositions of new techniques and aesthetics at the dawn of the 21st century.
Tiles, in symbiosis with architecture, carving, painting, decorative stucco and wrought iron, invite us to travel to a corner of Portugal, with a flavour of the river and the universal sea!